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[v1] [HH] Space Marines Pre Heresy : Iron WarriA [1220 points]

par KilgorFR - modifiée le 7 Janvier 2023

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[IW] Erasmus Golg : "Erasmus GOGOL"


Combi melta, Chainfist , Nuncio Vox, Cataphractii pattern terminator armour, Brutal charge, Harsh taskmaster, Independant character, Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors), Master of the legion, Terminator Attack, Warlord trait : Bloody-handed
Legion Centurion


Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Combat blade, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Power weapon, Terminator armour, Consul, Independant character, Legiones Astartes
Centurion - Primus medicae : Needle pistol, Narthecium, Consul, Independant character, Legiones Astartes, Legion Support Officier, Sacred trust
2 unités | 320 points | 26.23 %
Legion Tactical Squad (10) : "Bolter chiant"

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Rhino -41111103-

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Combat blade (10), Vexilla, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Artificer Armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier : Twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Repair
Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Vexilla, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Chainsword, Artificer Armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
2 unités | 345 points | 28.28 %
[IW] Iron Havoc Support Squad (5)

Iron Havoc -444414183+
Iron Havoc Sergeant -444414293+

Bolt pistol, Heavy bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Deadly aim, Hardened armour, Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors), Tank hunters
Iron Havoc Sergeant : Bolt pistol, Heavy bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Artificer Armour
[IW] Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (5)

Tyrant Siege Master -444414292+
Tyrant Terminator -444414282+

Combi-bolter, Cyclone missile launcher, Power fist, Cataphractii pattern terminator armour, Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors), Wrecker
Tyrant Siege Master : Combi-bolter, Cyclone missile launcher, Power fist, Omni-scope, Cataphractii pattern terminator armour, Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors), Wrecker
2 unités | 490 points | 40.16 %

Points : 1155
Figurines : 33
Unités : 6
Photo aléatoire
Spaces wolves

SW 14750 finie par Torgan
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