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[v1] [HH] Space Marines Pre Heresy : 2000 we [2000 points]

par Fredu30 - modifiée le 10 Avril 2023

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[WE] Khârn the Bloody


Plasma pistol, The Cutter, Frag grenades, Iron halo, Krak grenades, Artificer Armour, Independant character, Legiones Astartes (World Eaters), Marked by dark fates, Master of the legion, Rampage, Warlord's pride, Warlord trait : Savage assault
1 unité | 170 points | 8.5 %
Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
2 unités | 250 points | 12.5 %
Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon


Two Leviathan Siege Claws with inbuilt meltagun, Two torso-mounted heavy flamers, Extra armour, Frag grenades, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Leviathan siege drill with an inbuilt melta, Crushing Charge, Dreadnought talon, Move through cover, Reinforced Atomantic Shielding
1 unité | 275 points | 13.75 %

Points : 695
Figurines : 22
Unités : 4
Photo aléatoire
Acquisitor et sisters

Sisters + Custodes 3000 par Torgan
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