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[v1] [HH] Solar Auxilia Regiment : Solar auxilia [3000 points]

par DARKVULKAN - modifiée le 8 Août

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Auxilia Tactical Command Section (10)

Proclamaitor -343313174+
Strategos -343323284+
Veteran Auxiliaries -343313174+
Vexilarius -343313174+

Void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Auxilia lasrifle with collimator and blast-charger, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Grenade launcher (kinetic, tempest and krak), Meltagun (3), Plasma gun (2), Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire
Proclamaitor : Nuncio-vox, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire Strategos : Cognis-signum, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire, Precision Bombardment Vexilarius : Cohort Vexilla, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire
Auxilia Tank Commander


Armoured Warfare, Disciplined command, Support Officer, Tank Ace
Legate commander

Lord commander -443333294+
Lord Marshal -4433343104+

Refractor field, Void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Inferno pistol, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire, High command, Independant character
Lord Marshal : Paragon blade, Forged in war, Household retinue
3 unités | 340 points | 11.33 %

Points : 340
Figurines : 12
Unités : 3
Photo aléatoire
Acquisitor et sisters

Sisters + Custodes 3000 par Torgan
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