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[v1] [HH] Space Marines Pre Heresy : Xcxf [1000 points]

par Drakkan - modifiée le 21 Juin 2019

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[AL] Armillus Dynat


Power sword, Thunder hammer, Cognis signum, Iron halo, Krak grenades, Phosphex bombs, Venom spheres, Artificer Armour, Independant character, Jealous command, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Master of the legion, The Harrowing, Warlord trait : Hammerstrike Assault, Weapon mastery
[AL] Autilon Skorr
[AL] Exodus


Bolt pistol, The Instrument, Power dagger, Cameleoline, Krak grenades, Melta-bombs, Venom spheres, Power armour, Acute senses, Assassin's shot, Independant character, Infiltrate, It Will Not Die, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Lone killer, Move through cover, Scout
3 unités | 435 points | 43.5 %
[AL] Lernean Terminator Squad (5)

Harrower -544414392+
Lernaean Terminator -544414282+

Volkite Charger, Power axe, Cataphractii pattern terminator armour, Conversion beamer, Heavy flamer, Plasma blaster, Chainfist , Power fist, Implacable advance, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Stubborn
Harrower : Volkite Charger, Power axe, Cataphractii pattern terminator armour, Venom sphere harness, Master crafted one weapon, Implacable advance, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Stubborn
1 unité | 310 points | 31 %
Attaque rapide
[AL] Headhunter Kill Team (5)

Headhunter -454414183+
Headhunter Prime -454414293+

Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Heavy bolter with suspensor web and banestrike ammunition, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
Headhunter Prime : Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Inferno pistol, Plasma pistol, Power fist, Power weapon, Melta-bombs, Artificer Armour, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
1 unité | 265 points | 26.5 %
Seigneur de Batailles
[AL] Alpharius


Master-crafted plasma blaster, The Pale Spear, Cameleoline, Cognis signum, Nuncio Vox, Venom spheres, The Pythian Scales, Bulky, Insidious mastermind, One of many, Primarch, Sire of the Alpha Legion
[SoH] Horus the Warmaster


The Warmaster's Talon, Worldbreaker, Cognis signum, Frag grenades, Teleportation matrix, The Serpent's Scale, God of battle, Primarch, Sire of the Sons of Horus, The Point of the spear, Very bulky, Weapon mastery
2 unités | 915 points | 91.5 %

Points : 1925
Figurines : 15
Unités : 7
Photo aléatoire
Escouade 7/III

Force d'Ultramar par Mataf chass
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