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[v1] [FW] Renegades and Heretics : Thousand Sons [2000 points]

par Adonis - modifiée le 21 Août 2019

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[TS] Ahzek Ahriman


Master-crafted bolt pistol, Master-crafted force axe, Iron halo, [TS] Arcane Litanies, [TS] Asphyx Shells, Artificer Armour, Adamantium Will, Ahriman's Cabal, Independant character, Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons), Marked By Dark Fates, Master of the legion, Precision Strike, Psyker Mastery Level 4, [TS] Cult Arcana : Corvidae, Warlord Trait : Pattern of Fates
[TS] Osiron Dreadnought


Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought force blade with inbuil combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, [TS] Asphyx Shells, Adamantium Will, Atomantic shielding, Dreadnought talon, Fleet, Psychic Pilot Mastery Level 1
2 unités | 450 points | 22.5 %
Legion Assault Squad (20)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Combat blade, Frag grenades, Jump pack, Krak grenades, Power armour, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Combat blade, Frag grenades, Jump pack, Krak grenades, Power armour, Legiones Astartes
1 unité | 305 points | 15.25 %
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon


Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Atomantic shielding, Dreadnought talon, Fleet
[TS] Sekhmet Terminator Cabal (5)

Sekhmet Inceptor -444424292+
Sekhmet Terminator -444424282+

Combi-bolter, Force weapon, [TS] Asphyx Shells, Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 2), Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons), Stubborn
Sekhmet Inceptor : Combi-bolter, Force weapon, [TS] Asphyx Shells, Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 2), Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons), Stubborn
2 unités | 430 points | 21.5 %
[TS] Castellax-Achea Battle-Automata Maniple (2)


Mauler pattern bolt cannon, Two power claws with inbuilt bolter, [TS] Asphyx Shells, Refractor field, Fearless, It Will Not Die, Psi-control Matrix, Rage, Reactor blast
1 unité | 270 points | 13.5 %
Seigneur de Batailles
[TS] Magnus the Red


Psyfire Serpenta, The Blade of Ahn-Nunurta, [TS] Arcane Litanies, The Horned Raiment, Arch-Sorcerer, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Fearless, Fleet, Independant character, It Will Not Die, Master of the legion, Mind Wrath, Phantasmal Aura, Precision Shot, Precision Strike, Primarch, Sire of the Thousand Sons, Very bulky
1 unité | 495 points | 24.75 %

Points : 1950
Figurines : 31
Unités : 7
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