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[v1] [HH] Solar Auxilia Regiment : Solar Auxilia [2500 points]

par Richtofen - modifiée le 15 Juillet 2020

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Auxilia Tactical Command Section (5)

Proclamaitor -343313174+
Strategos -343323284+
Veteran Auxiliaries -343313174+
Vexilarius -343313174+

Void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Auxilia lasrifle with collimator and blast-charger, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Grenade launcher (kinetic, tempest and krak), Meltagun, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire
Proclamaitor : Nuncio-vox, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire Strategos : Cognis-signum, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire, Precision Bombardment Vexilarius : Cohort Vexilla, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire
Legate commander

Lord commander -443333294+
Lord Marshal -4433343104+

Refractor field, Void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined command, Disciplined fire, High command, Independant character
Lord Marshal : Archaeotech pistol, Paragon blade, Forged in war, Household retinue
2 unités | 215 points | 8.6 %
Auxilia Flamer Section (10)

Auxiliary -333313174+
Sergeant -333313284+

Reinforced void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Flamer, Laspistol, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line, Support Section
Sergeant : Reinforced void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Flamer, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Melta bomb, Power weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line, Support Section
Auxilia Lasrifle Section (20)

Auxiliary -333313174+
Sergeant -333313284+
Troop Master -443323284+
Vexilla Bearer -333313174+
Vox Operator -333313174+

Void armour, Collimator, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Auxilia lasrifle, Close combat weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line
Sergeant : Power weapon Vexilla Bearer : Troop Vexilla Vox Operator : Nuncio-vox
Auxilia Lasrifle Section (20)

Auxiliary -333313174+
Sergeant -333313284+
Troop Master -443323284+
Vexilla Bearer -333313174+
Vox Operator -333313174+

Void armour, Collimator, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Auxilia lasrifle, Close combat weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line
Sergeant : Power weapon Vexilla Bearer : Troop Vexilla Vox Operator : Nuncio-vox
Auxilia Lasrifle Section (20)

Auxiliary -333313174+
Sergeant -333313284+
Troop Master -443323284+
Vexilla Bearer -333313174+
Vox Operator -333313174+

Dracosan Armoured Transport -31312115

Void armour, Collimator, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Auxilia lasrifle, Close combat weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line
Sergeant : Power weapon Vexilla Bearer : Troop Vexilla Vox Operator : Nuncio-vox

Dracosan Armoured Transport : Searchlight, Smoke launcher, One twin-linked lascannon, Explorator Adaptation, Pintle-mounted heavy flamer
4 unités | 615 points | 24.6 %
Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Squad (3)


Void armour, Charonite claws, Brutal Fighters, Dead-man's Switch, Feel No Pain (6+), Hammer of Wrath, Mind-slave, Stubborn, Very Bulky
Auxilia Rapier Battery (2)

Auxiliary -333313174+
Rapier ----72---3+

Quad multi-laser, Quad mortar (frag & shatter shells) (2), Extremely Bulky
Auxiliary (2) : Void armour, Lasgun, Close combat weapon, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire
Veletaris Storm Section (10)

Prime -443313294+
Veletarii -343313184+

Dracosan Armoured Transport -31312115

Reinforced void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Laspistol, Volkite charger, Close combat weapon, Power axe (9), Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line, Move Through Cover
Prime : Reinforced void armour, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Laspistol, Volkite charger, Close combat weapon, Melta bomb, Power axe, Close formation fighting, Disciplined fire, Hold the Line, Move Through Cover

Dracosan Armoured Transport : Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Explorator Adaptation, Demolisher cannon
3 unités | 640 points | 25.6 %
Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery

Auxilia Basilisk -31312103
Auxilia Bombard -31312103
Auxilia Medusa -31312103

Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Explorator Adaptation
Auxilia Basilisk : Earthshaker cannon
Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron

Auxilia Leman Russ Demolisher -31413114
Auxilia Leman Russ Executionner -31413114
Auxilia Leman Russ Incinerator -31413114

Auxiliary drive, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Heavy bolter, Lascannon, Co-ordinated Fire Protocols, Explorator Adaptation
Auxilia Leman Russ Demolisher : Demolisher siege cannon
2 unités | 365 points | 14.6 %

Points : 1835
Figurines : 97
Unités : 11
Photo aléatoire
Acquisitor et sisters

Sisters + Custodes 3000 par Torgan
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