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[v1] [HH] Space Marines Pre Heresy : WORLD EATERS [2000 points]

par TRAVITZ94170 - modifiée le 20 Février 2022

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Legion Centurion


Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Combat blade, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Divination Blade, Terminator armour, Consul, Independant character, Legiones Astartes
Centurion - Legion champion : One master crafted close combat, Consul, Honour of the Legion, Independant character, Legiones Astartes, Supreme fighter
[Seigneur de Guerre]
[WE] Khârn the Bloody


Plasma pistol, The Cutter, Frag grenades, Iron halo, Krak grenades, Artificer Armour, Legacy of Blood, Independant character, Legiones Astartes (World Eaters), Marked by dark fates, Master of the legion, Rampage, Warlord's pride, Warlord trait : Savage assault
2 unités | 360 points | 18 %
Legion Tactical Squad (20)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Lightning claw, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Legion Tactical Squad (20)

Sergeant -444414293+
Space Marine -444414183+

Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
Sergeant : Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Power armour, Plasma pistol, Fury of the Legion, Legiones Astartes
2 unités | 480 points | 24 %
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (3)


Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Kheres pattern assault cannon, Twin-linked volkite culverin, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter (3), Extra armour (3), Atomantic shielding, Dreadnought talon, Fleet
1 unité | 570 points | 28.5 %
Legion Malcador assault tank


Hull-mounted autocannon, Traverse-mounted battle cannon, Two sponson-mounted heavy stubbers, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Armoured ceramite, Flare Shield, Battle speed
1 unité | 320 points | 16 %

Points : 1730
Figurines : 46
Unités : 6
Photo aléatoire
Escouade QG de la IIIe Compagnie

Force d'Ultramar par Mataf chass
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