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[v1] [HH] Space Marines Pre Heresy : Alpha [2000 points]

par Typhons - modifiée le 9 Juillet 2022

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Attaque rapide
[AL] Headhunter Kill Team (5)

Headhunter -454414183+
Headhunter Prime -454414293+

Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Heavy bolter with suspensor web and banestrike ammunition, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
Headhunter Prime : Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Inferno pistol, Melta-bombs, Artificer Armour, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
[AL] Headhunter Kill Team (5)

Headhunter -454414183+
Headhunter Prime -454414293+

Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Heavy bolter with suspensor web and banestrike ammunition, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
Headhunter Prime : Bolt pistol, Power dagger, Krak grenades, [SoH] Banestrike bolter rounds, Venom spheres, Power armour, Combi-bolter with banestrike ammunition, Artificer Armour, Infiltrate, Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion), Preferred enemy (Infantry)
2 unités | 430 points | 21.5 %
Legion Spartan assault tank


Hull-monted twin-linked heavy bolter, Two sponson-mounted quad lascannon, Extra armour, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Combi melta, Multi-melta, Armoured ceramite, Assault vehicle, Machine Spirit
1 unité | 355 points | 17.75 %
Seigneur de Batailles
[AL] Alpharius


Master-crafted plasma blaster, The Pale Spear, Cameleoline, Cognis signum, Nuncio Vox, Venom spheres, The Pythian Scales, Bulky, Insidious mastermind, One of many, Primarch, Sire of the Alpha Legion
1 unité | 415 points | 20.75 %

Points : 1200
Figurines : 12
Unités : 4
Photo aléatoire
Alpha_Legion-Tactique 1

Alpha Legion 1000 par Lebon_dave
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